Moral Absolutes and Jesus' Love and Forgiveness
Leviticus 20:1-1:16 (Part of the series).
Preached by Pastor George Young on February 14, 2021 (Sunday Evening ).
I believe in the Holy Spirit
John 14:15-27 (Part of the Basic Christian Beliefs: The Apostles Creed series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on July 7, 2019 (Sunday Evening ).
Grace and Truth
John 1:14-18 (Part of the series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on December 30, 2018 (Sunday Evening ).
The Incarnation of Christ
John 1:1-14 (Part of the series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on December 23, 2018 (Sunday Evening ).
Where Did Everything Come From?
John 1:1-5 (Part of the Questions Christians Ask series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on April 8, 2018 (Sunday Evening ).
Jesus Heals the Blind
John 9:1-41 (Part of the Guest minister series).
Preached by Pastor Tim Franklin on March 11, 2018 (Sunday Evening ).
Grief and Resurrection
John 11:1-44 (Part of the Jesus' Miracles series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on November 1, 2015 (Sunday Evening ).
Healing a Disabled Man
John 5:1-1:15 (Part of the Jesus' Miracles series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on September 13, 2015 (Sunday Evening ).
John 2:1-11 (Part of the Jesus' Parables series).
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on August 2, 2015 (Sunday Evening ).
Jesus Loves the Lost
John 15:1-10 (Part of the Guest minister series).
Preached by Pastor John Meinen on November 16, 2014 (Sunday Evening ).
For This Purpose
John 12:23-36 (Part of the Guest minister series).
Preached by Pastor Mick Shortsleeves on March 16, 2014 (Sunday Evening ).