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Pastor George Young (3),
Pastor Al Schipper (2),
Pastor Phillip Westra (2),
Elder Dave Kerstetter (1),
Pastor Bill Vis (1).
Sermons (9)
Breakfast at the Beach |
John 21:1-14 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor Al Schipper on April 18, 2021 (Sunday Morning). |
The First Fruits |
John 20:1-18 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor Al Schipper on April 4, 2021 (Sunday Morning). |
Moral Absolutes and Jesus' Love and Forgiveness |
Leviticus 20:1-1:16 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor George Young on February 14, 2021 (Sunday Evening). |
Looking Up To The Cross |
Numbers 21:4-9 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor George Young on February 14, 2021 (Sunday Morning). |
Two Complementary Types of Joy |
John 15:1-17 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor George Young on February 7, 2021 (Sunday Morning). |
Deity Assigned To Christ |
John 1:1-14 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Elder Dave Kerstetter on December 27, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
The Unclaimed Gift |
John 1:10-14 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor Bill Vis on December 20, 2020 (Sunday Morning). |
Grace and Truth |
John 1:14-18 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on December 30, 2018 (Sunday Evening). |
The Incarnation of Christ |
John 1:1-14 (Part of the series). |
Preached by Pastor Phillip Westra on December 23, 2018 (Sunday Evening). |
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